每次课程结束后,您都将被要求完成一个简短的调查,为我们提供有关您课程体验的反馈。您的反馈有助于我们改进服务并提供最佳体验!您也可以随时通过发送邮件至 tutoring@creativek12.com 与我们联系。
如果您对老师不满意,请在任何时候通过 tutoring@creativek12.com 与我们联系。我们有一个庞大的高质量的导师库,所以如果第一次课程不成功,我们可以很容易地为您匹配到一个更适合您需要和学习风格的导师!
您可以直接与老师预约上课,课程时间基于学生的要求和老师的日程安排。通常情况下,学生每周与老师约定在固定时间上课,但老师会根据日程安排做灵活调整。如果您遇到约课时间上的问题,请发送电子邮件至tutoring@creativek12.com 获得帮助。
购买服务后不支持退款,并且不可共享或转让课时,购买的课时有效期自购买日起一年到期。我们有信心,我们的教师库中至少有一位老师能够完全满足您的需求,但我们知道有时可能就是感觉不到位。如果您在第一次课程结束后对老师不满意,请通过tutoring@creativek12.com 与我们联系,我们会为您匹配一名更适合您的老师。我们不会收取您与原老师的第一个小时的课时费。在整个服务过程中,我们将与您和您的老师密切合作,以确保您从始至终都满意。
- Please note that all purchased packages must be completed within two years from the date of purchase. Any unused hours will expire two years after the purchase date.
- If the student needs to cancel or reschedule a scheduled 1:1 session for any reason, he/she must give the CreativeK12 educator a minimum of 24 hours advance notice. Sessions not canceled with at least 24 hours’ notice will incur a late change fee equivalent to one hour of the missed session type.
- If the student is unable to provide advance notice due to illness, emergency, or extenuating circumstances, he/she should communicate this to his/her tutor as soon as possible. CreativeK12, at its sole discretion, may waive the late change fee in such cases.
- The student who does not show up for his/her scheduled session or who is more than 20 minutes late is considered a no-show. A no-show session will be treated as a missed session equivalent to one hour of the missed session type.
- The student acknowledges that each lesson provided on CreativeK12’s designated online platform can be recorded to make lessons available for student review of the lesson.
- The student agrees not to disclose, reproduce, sell or distribute to any third party any information regarding CreativeK12 materials (online and print), content, software, videos, recordings, session transcripts, copyrights used in or related to the program, and agrees to use such information only for your personal, non-commercial use.
- Purchases are non-refundable.